Ho Chi Minh City keen on Belgium’s seaport support

Ho Chi Minh City keen on Belgium’s seaport support - ảnh 1
HCM City People's Committee Chairman Le Hoang Quan meets Belgian Minister President of Wallonia Rudy Demotte. Photo: VNA

(VOVworld)- Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Le Hoang Quan has expressed his hope that the region of Wallonie in Belgium will assist the city in seaport management and development. At a meeting with Minister President of Wallonie Rudy Demotte on Friday, Quan urged the two sides to enhance cooperation in economics, culture, science, art and urban infrastructure in the near future. Demotte said the two sides should also work together to boost trade and investment. He added that Belgium will work out 28 technical assistance projects in Vietnam in the near future, as well as seek ways to maintain their effectiveness.

