Hoa Binh will become a leading locality in northern mountainous and midland region: Party leader

(VOVWORLD) - Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong visited the northern province of Hoa Binh on Tuesday, saying the most important task now is to press on with the COVID-19 fight and economic recovery. 
Hoa Binh will become a leading locality in northern mountainous and midland region: Party leader - ảnh 1Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong speaks during a visit to Hoa Binh province, March 22, 2022.

Mr. Trong stressed that Hoa Binh is in a strategic location, serving as the gateway to the northwestern region and a bridge linking Hanoi and provinces in the Red River Delta.

He said he believes that the province will become a leader in the northern mountainous and midland region.

Party leader Trong urged Hoa Binh to continue preserving local cultural heritage values and maintaining political stability, social order ,and safety.

The same day, Mr. Trong visited the R Technical Research Vietnam, an 11 million USD Japanese-invested optical lens production company in Hoa Binh.

