Hot weather forecast for northern, central regions in next few days

(VOVWORLD) - The northern and central regions on Sunday began to experience a heat wave which is forecast to reach its peak from Monday to Wednesday, according to the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting.

Temperatures are predicted to reach 35-37 degrees Celsius in lowland and western areas of the north, even over 37 degrees Celsius in some places of Hoa Binh province. In the north central region, they could be as high as 35-37 degrees, even 38 degrees or higher in mountainous areas.

The heat will gradually abate in the following days, the centre said.
It also warned about downpours, gale, lightning, and whirlwinds in late afternoon of the days.
This year, heat waves in the northern and central regions are likely to appear later than average and neither too severe nor long.
Temperatures in the north will approximate the previous years’ average during May-July but be 0.5-1 degree higher in August and September, the centre forecast.

