International workshop on peaceful solution to East Sea dispute in South Korea

(VOVworld) – An international workshop on a peaceful solution to East Sea dispute in the East Sea was held on Friday in Busan, South Korea.

International workshop on peaceful solution to East Sea dispute in South Korea - ảnh 1
Vietnamese ambassador to South Korea spoke at the event

The event was held by the Academy of Science and Technology Institute of Oceanography, the Association of South Koreans who love Vietnam, the South Korean International Maritime Law Association, and the Research Institute for Maritime Law under the Youngsan University.
The Vietnamese ambassador to South Korea, Pham Huu Chi, said the organization of an international workshop on the East Sea by South Korean organizations and civil groups was practical in the context of the increasingly complicated situation in the East Sea which threatens peace, maritime security and freedom in the region and the world.
The ambassador said he hoped that the participating scientists would propose measures to solve the East Sea dispute in a peaceful manner.

The workshop focused on prospects to prevent and peacefully resolve disputes in the region and the significance of applying international laws to peace and security in the East Sea.

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