Iran fails to fully honour agreement on monitoring equipment, IAEA says

(VOVWORLD) - The UN nuclear watchdog said on Sunday Iran had failed to fully honour the terms of a deal struck two weeks ago to allow the agency’s inspectors to service monitoring equipment in the country.
Iran fails to fully honour agreement on monitoring equipment, IAEA says - ảnh 1              (Photo: REUTERS)

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in a statement that Iran's decision not to allow its access to the TESA Karaj centrifuge component manufacturing workshop is contrary to the agreed terms of the joint statement issued on 12 September.

The September 12 agreement, reached on the eve of a meeting of the IAEA's 35-nation Board of Governors, meant Western powers chose not to seek a resolution criticising Iran at that meeting since the equipment's memory cards would be replaced just as they were due to fill up. 

Iran's envoy to IAEA said on Monday that the director general's report isn't accurate and goes beyond the agreed terms of the joint statement.

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