Iraq: President asks first deputy speaker of parliament, to form a government

(VOVworld) - Iraqi President Fouad Massoum asks Haider al-Abadi, country's main Shia coalition's nominee for prime minister, first deputy speaker of parliament, to form a government during a brief ceremony broadcast live on television on Monday. President Massoum told Abadi that "The country is now in your hands.” Al-Abasi called on the people to join hands to stop terrorism in Iraq.

Iraq: President asks first deputy speaker of parliament, to form a government - ảnh 1
Iraqi President Fouad Massoum

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki announced that he intends to try to stay in office for a third consecutive term.

Prime Minister Maliki accused President Fuad Massoum of being "unconstitutional" by failing to put Maliki’s name on the list of candidates for prime minister. The United Nations representative in Baghdad, Nickolay Mladenov, said that what Massoum did is constitutional and urged Iraqis to "exercise restraint at this dangerous time" adding that Iraq's "special forces should refrain from actions that may be seen as interference in matters related to the democratic transfer of political authority."

Speaking to reporters in Sydney, US Secretary of State John Kerry said his government stands "absolutely squarely behind President Massoum," and called on Iraqis to be "calm."

