Justice Index reflects people’s assessment of justice

(VOVworld) - The Justice Index is an important initiative which reflects people’s aspirations for a just and democratic society being pursued by the State of Vietnam, according to President of the Vietnamese Lawyers Association Pham Quoc Anh.

Justice Index reflects people’s assessment of justice - ảnh 1
The State of Vietnam pursues a just and democratic society. (Photo: VNN)

The 2012 Justice Index was released Thursday in Hanoi by the Vietnam Lawyers’ Association, the Center for Community Support Development Studies, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 

According to Bakhodir Burkhanov, UNDP Deputy Country Director, the figure is built on the actual experience of more than 5,000 people from all walks of life in 21 provinces and cities across Vietnam. It illustrates people’s opinions and assessment of State institutions’ performance in ensuring justice and citizens’ fundamental rights. The index is a useful reference for further reforms in order to improve the legal and judicial system to meet the needs and aspirations of the people.    

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