National Tourism Year 2015 closed in Thanh Hoa

(VOVworld) – A ceremony took place in Thanh Hoa province on Saturday to wrap up the 2015 National Tourism Year and hand over the hosting of the event next year to Kien Giang.

National Tourism Year 2015 closed in Thanh Hoa - ảnh 1
Ho Dynasty’s Citadel – the world heritage in Thanh Hoa

Sixty one activities featuring the theme ‘Connecting World Heritage’ have been held throughout the year-long event.

Pham Dang Quyen, deputy Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, said at the closing program: “the 2015 Thanh Hoa Tourism Year has ended leaving deep impression on domestic and foreign visitors. In the future, we will continue to uphold our achievements and increase cooperation with neighboring provinces to develop the local tourism industry.”

In 2015, Thanh Hoa received more than 5.5 million visitors, up 21.9% against in 2014 and earned nearly 230 million USD from tourism.



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