Palestine continues bid to join UN organizations and conventions

(VOVworld) – The central council of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) decided on Sunday to pursue efforts to join 60 United Nations bodies and international agreements. Palestine’s People's Party Secretary-General Bassam al-Salhi said that the council, under President Mahmud Abbas’ sponsorship, urged the Palestinian leaders to continue their bid for membership of UN agencies and international conventions. The council also said Israel must be responsible for failed efforts in the Middle East peace process.

Palestine continues bid to join UN organizations and conventions - ảnh 1
President Mahmoud Abbas (center) attends a meeting of the PLO Central Council in Ramallah. (Photo: Reuters)

On the same day, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused to hold talks with the Palestinian unity government unless the Hamas movement in the Gaza Strip acknowledged the Israeli state. He said that peace talks would be resumed when Hamas gives up attacking Israel, backs peace, and renounces terrorism, or when President Mahmud Abbas abandons Hamas.

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