Party resolution continues to be implemented

 (VOVworld) - The Government Office’s Party Committee on Saturday met to study a resolution of the 4th plenum of the Party Central Committee. Vu Duc Dam, Party Secretary and Head of the Government Office, stressed the significance of the resolution as it points out urgent issues of party building.

Party resolution continues to be implemented  - ảnh 1
The Government Office studies Party resolution

The campaign to comprehend the party resolution continues to be implemented in central provinces, where retired cadres are asked to contribute their opinions to build a stronger party. The Polibureau’s guidelines are strictly followed. Phan Cong Tuyen, Head of Thua Thien Hue provincial Party’s Commission for Communication and Education, said:“We incorporate the implementation of the resolution of the 4th plenum of the Party Central Committee with other political tasks and the implementation of the Polibureau’s Directive No3 on following Ho Chi Minh’s moral examples”.

The majority of provinces in central region have mapped out detailed plans for this drive, in accordance with their specific conditions. Local party members say that the party resolution is timely and demonstrates the Party Central Committee’s determination to build a stronger party.

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