PM pledges best conditions for foreign investors in Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received executives of Warburg Pincus and Glenfarne Group in New York on Sunday, during a working visit to the US and the UN.
PM pledges best conditions for foreign investors in Vietnam - ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh receives Mr. Charles Kaye, CEO of Warburg Pincus. 

Meeting Warburg Pincus CEO Charles Kaye, PM Chinh underscored the need to improve the effectiveness of funding and focus on the key areas that can boost other fields.

He said Vietnam is focusing more investment in developing strategic infrastructure, including digital and transport infrastructure, digital transformation, climate change mitigation, capital markets, and energy transition. He called on the private equity firm to promote investment in Vietnam in these areas.

Mr. Kaye congratulated Vietnam on its success in surmounting the COVID-19 pandemic over the last 2 years, noting that his firm is planning to increase investment in Vietnam and will help Vietnam grow strongly in the future.

PM pledges best conditions for foreign investors in Vietnam - ảnh 2Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh receives Mr. Brendan Duval, CEO of Glenfarne Group. 

Receiving Brendan Duval, CEO of the Glenfarne Group, PM Chinh welcomed the group’s interest in energy transition in Vietnam, and said Vietnam is about to issue Electricity Development Plan VIII, which includes adjustments to the planning for development of LNG power plants in Vietnam’s coastal provinces. He said he hopes Glenfarne will invest in clean energy in Vietnam.

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