PM urges Ministry of Planning and Investment to keep sharp, reformed mindset

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has asked the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) to constantly keep a sharp and reformed mindset. 
PM urges Ministry of Planning and Investment to keep sharp, reformed mindset - ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh speaks at the MPI's conference in Hanoi on January 11 (Photo: VOV)

This is among the tasks for 2024 that the Government leader assigned to the MPI while attending the ministry’s conference in Hanoi on Thursday.

He asked the Ministry to quickly grasp issues emerging in Vietnam and the world, and have foresight to advise the Party, State, people, and businesses about major emerging socio-economic events. 

He also requested the MPI to constantly maintain attention to and improve performance in the building and perfection of a socialist-oriented market economy. It needs to constantly take the lead in attracting foreign investment, while developing new economic models and new sectors, and facilitating innovation to help promote the economy’s transition and Vietnam’s international status.

The proposed solutions to foster public investment disbursement, regional connectivity, digital transformation, innovation, and enterprise development have helped drive green and sustainability-oriented economic growth in the past.

The Prime Minister praised the Ministry’s achievements in 2023 and for fulfilling its  assigned tasks. PM Chinh said: “First we need to promote strategic research and advice to better accomplish the task of enabling development and promoting innovation. Second, we need to firmly grasp and closely follow developments at home and abroad, proactively propose prompt mechanisms and policies to remove difficulties and obstacles and promote fast, sustainable, inclusive development that leaves no one behind.

To mark the occasion, PM Chinh discussed distinctive achievements of the Party, State, and Government as well as organizations and individuals of the MPI.

