President Truong Tan Sang meets world leaders on the sideline of 22nd APEC

(VOVworld) – President Truong Tan Sang and leaders of 12 member countries of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) on Monday engaged in the 5th high-level meeting in Beijing, on the sideline of the 22nd APEC meeting. The participants assessed the previous negotiation process and worked out measures to finalize the negotiation soon. The leaders stressed that the TPP should aim at economic growth, generating more jobs and enhancing competitive capability of member countries for sustainable development. They agreed that TPP is an open economic connectivity which enables the participation of regional economies. They  adopted a joint statement with specific orientations to soon finalize the negotiation. President Truong Tan Sang affirmed Vietnam’s determination to closely work with member countries to reach a comprehensive agreement for development and benefits of member countries.

President Truong Tan Sang meets world leaders on the sideline of 22nd APEC	 - ảnh 1
President Truong Tan Sang and Chinese President Xi Jinping shook hands at the APEC summit in Beijing

In a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping the same day, President Truong Tan Sang asked both sides to maintain regular meetings between their Party and Government high-ranking leaders and localities, especially enhancing people to people exchange mechanism in anticipation of the 65th anniversary of diplomatic ties. The two leaders discussed ideas to deepen the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic partnership. Regarding marine issues, President Sang said both Vietnam and China have different views on the East Sea issues. The most important thing is that both countries have to engage in dialogue with respect to common awareness and agreements between their Party and Government leaders including negotiation on demarcation together with cooperation for mutual development of territorial waters off the Tonkin Gulf.
President Truong Tan Sang and US President Barack Obama exchanged orientation to promote bilateral comprehensive partnership including exchanging high-level delegations and preparing for the 20th anniversary of Vietnam-US diplomatic ties. President Sang said the TPP negotiation has entered the critical stage and countries should adopt flexible measures to conclude the negotiation as scheduled. While meeting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, both leaders expressed their delight at the strong development of the bilateral relations in all fields especially since the two countries raised their relations to an Extensive Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity in Asia in March. 

At a meeting with Indonesian President Joko Widodo, the two Presidents discussed measures to boost the Vietnam-Indonesia Strategic Partnership, agreed on work closely in implementing activities set out in the action  plan from now until 2018. The leaders underlined the need to increase cooperation in economics, trade, and investment aiming to bring the two-way trade turnover to 10 billion USD prior to 2018 while enhancing the bilateral cooperation in security and defense.

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