Reception to mark 65 years of Vietnam-Russia diplomatic ties

(VOVworld) –The Vietnamese embassy in Russia held a reception to mark the 65th anniversary of Vietnam-Russia diplomatic ties and celebrate the Luna New Year. The reception was held at a restaurant at the Hanoi-Moscow Complex on Monday. Vietnamese Ambassador to the Russian Federation Nguyen Thanh Son hailed achievements of the traditional friendship cooperation between Vietnam and the former Soviet Union and later the Russian Federation over the past 65 years.

Reception to mark 65 years of Vietnam-Russia diplomatic ties - ảnh 1
Ambassador Nguyen Thanh Son

The Ambassador expressed his pleasure at efforts by Vietnam and Russia to build and strengthen bilateral ties in recent years toward their bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership. Ambassador Nguyen Thanh Son: “Reviewing positive results of our bilateral traditional friendship, I believe that the Vietnamese-Russian comprehensive strategic partnership will further develop. President Vladimir Putin said that the two people will always be side by side and support each other despite all changes in the world.”

Addressing the event, Andray Tatarinov, Director of the Third Asia Department under Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, underlined the achievements. He said:  “All achievements have affirmed the effectiveness of the bilateral ties based on equality, mutual respect, and mutual benefit. I believe that we will continue to develop our bilateral relations for the two people’s interests and for regional and global peace and stability.”

Vladimir Buanov, President of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association, highlighted the Association’s activities in recent years, which have contributed to tightening and developing the Vietnam-Russia traditional friendship and cooperation.

