Taliban attacks Afghan presidential palace

Taliban attacks Afghan presidential palace  - ảnh 1
A series of explosions rocked one of the most secure areas of the Afghan capital early Tuesday in an attack outside the presidential palace. Photo: Washingtonpost

According to an Indian news agency on Tuesday, the Taliban attacked Afghani presidential palace and government buildings in Kabul. The attack occured at 6.30 am in the center of Shash Darak district where headquarters of many foreign representative offices are located. Taliban chose the East gate of the Afghani presidential palace where dozen of reporters were waiting for the press conference of President Hamid Karzai scheduled to take place at 9am the same day. Sheriff Kabul Aoub Salangicho said that after a two hour gunfight, all attackers were killed. The spokesperson for Taliban Zabihullah Mujahid sent a message saying that “some martyrs” attacked the presidential palace, headquarters of the Ministry of Defense and office of the CIA at the Ariana hotel.

