Thai military court indicts two suspects in Erawan shrine bombing

Thai military court indicts two suspects in Erawan shrine bombing - ảnh 1
Suspects in the Aug. 17 blast at Erawan Shrine, Bilal Mohammad, front, and Mieraili Yusufu arrive at a military court in Bangkok Tuesday.

(VOVworld) - A military court in Thailand has indicted two men said to have carried out the deadly August bombing at a Bangkok shrine that left 20 people dead and more than 120 injured. The two, identified as Bilal Mohammad and Mieraili Yusufu, were indicted on 10 charges on Tuesday connected to the Aug. 17 blast at Erawan Shrine. Thai officials say there was no political or religious motive behind the attack. They say the blast was revenge by a people-smuggling network against Thai authorities for breaking up their operation. The two have been held at an army base since their arrests in August and September. They are being tried at a military court, where cases of national security have been handled since the army seized power in a coup last May.

