The National Assembly continues 5th working week

(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies on Monday discussed the draft Law on the National Assembly Organization. Many deputies agreed that the Ethnic Minorities Council and National Assembly Committees have the leading role in National Assembly activities, thus it is essential to promote their capacity in appraising draft laws.

The National Assembly continues 5th working week - ảnh 1

Some suggested there should be regulations regarding National Assembly delegations, defining their role, and authority as well as a support policy to help them fulfill their tasks.This week, National Assembly deputies will focus on crafting legislation. 7 draft laws are expected to be approved. These include the Law on Entry, Exit and Residence of Foreigners in Vietnam, amendments and supplements to the Law on Inland Waterway Navigation, the Law on Public Investment, the revised Construction Law, the revised Bankruptcy Law, the revised Marriage and Family Law, and the revised Notary Law.

