Tories lead UK general election

Tories lead UK general election - ảnh 1

An exit poll predicting that the Conservative Party will be th largest part with 316 seats is projected onto BBC Broadcasting House in London. (Photo: AFP)

(VOVworld) – The Conservatives appear to have taken the lead in the UK’s General Election, according to exit polls conducted by Gfk-NOP and Ipsos Morido.The results indicate that the party of Prime Minister David Cameron might win 316 out of 650 seats in the UK House of Commons, followed by the Labour Party with 239 seats.

Tories lead UK general election - ảnh 2

British Prime Minister David Cameron told supporters it had been “a strong night for the Conservative party.” (Photo: Reuters)

They also suggest that the Scottish National Party will win 58 seats, the Liberal Democrats 10 seats, the UK Independence Party and the Green Party 2 seats each.

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