Trump: US doing well in trade negotiations with China

(VOVWORLD) - US President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that the United States was doing well in trade talks with China.
Trump: US doing well in trade negotiations with China - ảnh 1US Donald Trump told reporters at a White House event. (photo:

He answered a question about trade negotiations with China by reporters at a White House event that he likes where they are right now. He also said that China very much wants to make a deal to end the trade war with the US.

Before that Kevin Hassett, the White House Economic Advisor, expressed his belief the US and China will reach an agreement before March 1.

Chinese Vice-President Wang Qishan told the WEF in Davos, Switzerland that Chinese and US economies are mutually indispensable, so their relations must be mutually beneficial and win-win. This is the reality: neither side can do without the other side," said Wang. He also affirmed that Chinese economy will continue to grow sustainably regardless of global instability.

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