UNSC to vote on Syria observer mission

(VOVworld)- The UN Security Council is scheduled to meet later Saturday to vote on a draft resolution that would authorize immediate dispatch of a team of observers to Syria to monitor the ceasefire in this country. The Council on Friday had closed meetings on situations in Syria.

UNSC to vote on Syria observer mission - ảnh 1
UNSC mulls observer mission in Syria

The same day, Russia and the United States sent to the UN Security Council 2 draft resolutions which both agreed on the deployment of 30 unarmed military observers. In its draft resolution, the United States requested that all observers have the rights for immediate travel without any barriers and that President Bashar Al- Assad should implement his commitment made with with special envoy Kofi Annan. Meanwhile, Russia did not give conditions on observers’ rights of unlimited approaches as well as warnings of possible solutions if Syria does not abide by its commitments.     

In related development, Russian news agency RIA-Novosti confirmed that Russian Defense Ministry has approved a decision to send its warships to the Mediterranean sea near Syrian coast.  

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