US Presidential Election: Last-minute efforts

(VOV) – The 45th US Presidential election is less than 12 hours away. US presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have spent the last few days campaigning in crucial swing states. Romney went to Ohio and Pennsylvania where he has campaigned intensely for 2 days to persuade undecided voters. Romney delivered a speech in Florida earlier in which he promised greater US prosperity if he is elected. He told Florida voters: The door for a brighter future is opened, is waiting for us. I need your votes. I need your help. Walk with me. We begin a new tomorrow. We are gonna take back this country and make it strong.

Then Romney headed to Virginia and ended his 2-year campaign for the presidency in Boston.

Meanwhile Obama followed the campaign trail to Wiconsin, Ohio, and Iowa. He told Wisconsin voters: That's time to keep pushing forward, educate all your kids, train our workers, create new jobs, bring troops home, care the veterans, enforce middle class, and restore our democracy. And make sure that no matter who you are, no matter where you come from, no matter how you stared up. You can make it here in America. We remain the bonds that bind us together reaffirm the spirit to make America the greatest nation on earth.

US Presidential Election: Last-minute efforts - ảnh 1
The US presidential candidates are in their last-minute efforts (Photo:

The latest CNN, NBC News/ Wall Street Journal, and ABC News/Washington Post opinion polls showed Obama over Romney by 1% while a poll by Politico/George Washington University showed equal support of 48% for the two candidates.

Nhat Quynh, VOV correspondent in Washington

