Vietnam acknowledges INGOs’ contributions

(VOVworld) – Vietnam has acknowledged international non-governmental organizations’ (INGOs) contributions. This is the third annual event held by the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO) and Vietnam Television on Sunday in Hanoi to honor and publicize the contributions of INGOs to poverty reduction and sustainable development in Vietnam.
Vietnam acknowledges INGOs’ contributions    - ảnh 1
The Vietnam Union of Friendship Associations presents certificates to outstanding international non-governmental organizations (

The event also aims to foster the cooperative partnership between Vietnam and INGOs. VUFO President Vu Xuan Hong says: "In recent years, the relationship between the people of Vietnam and other countries has been enhanced. The country has reinforced and promoted its international friendship network. INGOs’ funds for Vietnam have increased year on year helping to heal the wounds of war, reduce poverty, develop health and education, resolve social issues, protect the environment, and respond to climate change." 

Since 1991, increasing numbers of INGOs have come to Vietnam. The country now has relations with 900 INGOs. Funds from these organizations’ for Vietnam have totaled 3 billion USD. The Union has awarded certificates to 52 INGOs for their outstanding role in Vietnam this year.

