Vietnamese Farmers Association protests China’s illegal oil rig placement in Vietnam’s waters

Vietnamese Farmers Association protests China’s illegal oil rig placement in Vietnam’s waters - ảnh 1

(VOVworld)- The Vietnam Farmers’ Association on Monday released a statement protesting China’s illegal placement of its oil rig Haiyang 981 in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone. The statement said that China’s actions violated Vietnam’s sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction over Vietnam’s continental shelf and exclusive economic zone and international law, the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Declaration on the Code of Conduct of Parties in the East Sea, to which China is a signatory. China’s particularly dangerous actions threaten peace, stability, security and the safety of navigation in the East Sea and Vietnamese fishermen’s lives, run counter to agreements signed by the two countries’ leaders, and undermine bilateral friendship, especially between Vietnamese and Chinese farmers as well as trust that the two countries have been nurturing. The Vietnamese Farmers’ Association and its members are disappointed, strongly oppose China’s illegal and dangerous actions and demand that China unconditionally withdraw its oil rig and escort ships from Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone, halt all illegal and unfriendly actions against Vietnamese fishermen and refrain from similar actions in the future. The Association also expressed its strong support for the Vietnamese government and law enforcement agencies in defending Vietnam’s legitimate sovereignty by peaceful means in line with international law. It also called on Vietnamese fishermen to unite, and be resilient to continue fishing and contribute to defending the national sovereignty and interests.

