Virtual book exhibition celebrates National Day

(VOVWORLD) - A virtual book exhibition will be held Tuesday on the website to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Vietnam’s August Revolution (August 19) and National Day (September 2).

Virtual book exhibition celebrates National Day - ảnh 1 A banner celebrating National Day on Ho Chi Minh city's book street. (Photo:

Organized by the Ministry of Information and Communications, the two-week event will display nearly 1,000 documents, such as books, pictures, photos, videos, and stamps, selected from more than 40 publishing houses, libraries, and museums across the country.

Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Hoang Vinh Bao said, “This exhibition aims to promote Vietnam’s revolutionary traditions, reiterate Vietnamese people’s trust in the leadership and the path toward socialism configured by the Party and President Ho Chi Minh. The exhibits show contributions of Vietnam’s publishing industry to national construction and defense.”

Items on display are arranged into five main themes – the struggle for national independence, national unification and national defense; the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh; revolutionary achievements in the process of innovation, development and international integration; achievements of Vietnam’s publishing industry and stamps marking 75 years of National Day.

In addition, seminars will also be held to offer chances for readers to interact with renowned writers, researchers and witnesses of important milestones in the country's history. During the exhibition, will sell books at discounted prices and offer free shipping on the first 10,000 orders.

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