VOV President: Voice of Vietnam is a multiplatform, multimedia, multi-language media agency

(VOVWORLD) - The Voice of Vietnam is making great strides to become a key multi-platform, multimedia press agency and the leading media of Vietnam with international prestige, said VOV President Do Tien Sy. 
VOV President: Voice of Vietnam is a multiplatform, multimedia, multi-language media agency - ảnh 1VOV receives congratulations on the 99th anniversary of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day

At a meeting on Thursday with representatives of agencies on the occasion of the 99th anniversary of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day, Mr. Sy, who is also a member of the Party Central Committee, thanked them for their congratulations and close coordination with VOV.

Congratulating the Voice of Vietnam on this occasion, Deputy Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Hoang Phuc Lam said: “The Voice of Vietnam is the voice of the Party and the people. Every time we hear “This is the Voice of Vietnam”, we’re very moved. On the occasion of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day, we’d like to express our congratulations and hope that VOV continues to deliver the image and the Voice of Vietnam to the world community. The Voice of Vietnam is the voice of trust and a source of encouragement for both local and overseas Vietnamese people as well as international friends.”

