White House voices support, UN denounces Trump’s Muslim ban

(VOVworld) - White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer disputed the notion that US President Donald Trump’s executive order halting immigration from seven predominantly Muslim countries constitutes a “ban”. At a press briefing on Tuesday, Spicer said the media was responsible for the order being described as a ban. He said the order is not a Muslim ban but a vetting system to keep America safe.

White House voices support, UN denounces Trump’s Muslim ban  - ảnh 1
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer (Photo: Getty Images)

The same day, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed hope Trump’s travel ban for citizens from seven predominantly Muslim countries will soon be cancelled. Guterres said that countries have the right to avoid infiltration by terrorist organizations but not by discriminating based on a person's religion, ethnicity or nationality, saying these measures will triggers widespread anxiety and anger that may facilitate extremists’ propaganda. The UN chief concerned that refugees fleeing conflict and persecution would find more and more borders closed, which violates the international refugee law.

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