World reactions to the West’s strikes against Syria

(VOVWORLD) - The airstrike by the US, UK, and France against Syria has received mixed responses from countries around the world.
World reactions to the West’s strikes against Syria - ảnh 1 A missile is fired by the Syrian forces following airstrikes by the US, UK, and France. (Photo: Xinhua/VNA)

Russian President Vladimir Putin described the strikes as violation of the UN Charter and international law. He said the airstrikes were an “act of aggression” against a sovereign state and will worsen the humanitarian crisis in Syria as they will push up a new flow of migrants from Syria and this region. Putin added that he will call for an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council.

Cuba on Saturday condemned the attack against Syrian military and civilian facilities, calling it a unilateral action, ignoring the UN Security Council. According to a statement by the Cuban Foreign Ministry, this is a “flagrant violation of International Law and the UN Chapter, while being an outrage against a sovereign State that worsens the conflict in Syria and the region”.

Syria's Ambassador to China Imad Moustapha said Damascus will call on the UN Security Council to take action against the “naked aggression” of the US, the UK, and France. He also thanked Russia for standing side by side the Syrian government.

Syria’s Foreign Ministry strongly denounced this brutal aggression, which will lead to nothing but the igniting of tensions around the world and pose a threat to international peace and security as a whole.

Bolivia’s President Evo Morales also voiced his opposition against the strikes, which, he said, relies on a non-existent reason.

Iran warned on Saturday of “regional consequences” following the wave of strikes in Syria by the US, the UK, and France. Its Foreign Ministry said the United States and its allies have no proof and, without even waiting for the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to take a position, have carried out this military attack so they are responsible for the regional consequences of this adventurist action.

In contrast, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Canada supports the decision by the US, the UK, and France to take action to degrade the Assad regime’s ability to launch chemical weapons attacks against its own people. He added that Canada will continue to work with its international partners to further investigate the use of chemical weapons in Syria to bring those responsible to justice.

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg also expressed his support for Western strikes in Syria because this will reduce the regime’s ability to further attack the people of Syria with chemical weapons.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Saturday that Japan supports the “resolve” of the allied strikes to not to allow the use of chemical weapons. Abe added that adding that the government will hold a meeting of its National Security Council the same day.

Reuters quoted in Israeli official as saying that the airstrikes in Syria have enforced a red line on the use of chemical weapons.

Meanwhile, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres warned US members of their responsibilities, saying  that there's an obligation, particularly when dealing with matters of peace and security, to act consistently with the UN Charter and international law in general. He urged all member states to show restraint in these dangerous circumstances.

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