VOV’s Theater marks 65th anniversary

VOV’s Theater marks 65th anniversary

(VOVworld) – A special music program was held in Hanoi on Friday to mark the 65th anniversary of the Voice of Vietnam’s Theater and VOV’s 69th anniversary. Musician Doan Nguyen, deputy Director...
VOV celebrates 69th anniversary

VOV celebrates 69th anniversary

(VOVworld) - Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) will continue to implement its renovation strategy to master modern technology and produce quality output to better cater to the needs of audiences,...
National Day marked in the US

National Day marked in the US

(VOVworld) - The Vietnam Consulate General in San Francisco, California, hosted a flag ceremony to mark the 69th anniversary of Vietnam’s National Day on September 2nd
August Revolution and its current values

August Revolution and its current values

(VOVworld) – 69 years ago the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh launched a national uprising to wipe out feudalism, overthrow the French colonialists and establish the Democratic Republic...
Two Japanese ministers visit Yasukuni shrine

Two Japanese ministers visit Yasukuni shrine

(VOVworld) – Japanese Internal Affairs Minister Yoshitaka Shindo visited the controversial war-linked Yasukuni Shrine on Friday to mark the 69th anniversary of Japan's surrender at the end of World...
Vietnamese Physicians’ Day marked

Vietnamese Physicians’ Day marked

(VOVworld) – The President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan, visited the Vietnam Medical Association on Wednesday on the 59th anniversary of Vietnamese Physicians’ Day