August revolution - resplendent landmark in Vietnam’s history

(VOVworld) – Vietnam on Tuesday marked the 69th anniversary of the August Revolution during which the Vietnamese people rose up and seized back control of their country. The 1945 August Revolution was one of the most resplendent milestones in Vietnam’s history. The Vietnamese became masters of their nation after being slaves of French colonialists for a century.

August revolution - resplendent landmark in Vietnam’s history - ảnh 1
The victory of the August Revolution ends Vietnam's century-long slavery.
(Photo: documentary photo/ VOV)

On this occasion, Vietnam’s major newspapers ran commentaries confirming the historical importance of the August Revolution. The Nhan Dan, or People’s, newspaper said the spirit of the August Revolution and its achievements have inspired the Party, the army, and the people to advance steadfastly, overcome any challenges to defend and develop Vietnam, and step up national industrialization and modernization.

Radio the Voice of Vietnam shares this attitude, calling the victory the inspiration for the Vietnamese people to succeed against any difficulties and, especially in the renewal process, to make an “August Revolution of the new era”.

According to the People’s Army newspaper, in the current period the Vietnam People’s Army will continue to bolster its fighting spirit and strength and be a loyal political force to the Party, State, and people.

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