Egypt: Mass protests against trial of MB members

Egypt: Mass protests against trial of MB members

(VOVworld) - Muslim students from many universities in Egypt joined demonstrations on Tuesday to protest the trial of 1200 Muslim Brotherhood members and supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi
Egypt: NASL calls for more demonstrations

Egypt: NASL calls for more demonstrations

(VOVworld) - The National Alliance to Support Legitimacy (NASL), which is struggling for the restoration of ousted President Mohamed Morsi, has called on students to stage a demonstration on Friday
Egypt: students expand Morsi protests

Egypt: students expand Morsi protests

(VOVworld)- Egyptian police on Monday fired tear gas to disperse a student parade as the wave of protests supporting ousted President Mohamed Morsi has spread throughout universities in Cairo
Libyan electoral commission ratifies election results

Libyan electoral commission ratifies election results

Libya’s High National Electoral Commissions (HNEC) Chairman, Nuri Alabar, said on Wednesday that the Commission has ratified the final result of last month’s parliamentary elections, after the alliance led by former...
Vietnam attends AAHAR Int’l Food Fair in India

Vietnam attends AAHAR Int’l Food Fair in India

(VOVworld)- A Vietnamese company is joining hundreds of businesses from 19 nations around the world at the 27th International Exhibition for Food, Food Processing, Hotel and Restaurant Equipment and Supplies, also known...