Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

A: To He, or toy figurine, is a traditional toy that Vietnamese children are exceedingly fond of. Dating back to the 17th century, To He are made of glutinous rice powder...
Wednesday April 12, 2017

Wednesday April 12, 2017

(VOVworld) - I’m reading an interesting letter from Radhakrishna Pillai of India. He told us about his participation at the National Council Meeting of Indian Society for Cultural Co-operation and Friendship ...
Sa Huynh Salt Village in Quang Ngai

Sa Huynh Salt Village in Quang Ngai

(VOVworld) - Sa Huynh salt village is located in Duc Pho district 60 kilometers south of Quang Ngai city. Sa Huynh has a beautiful beach and is well-known in the central region...
Media to promote positive social impact

Media to promote positive social impact

(VOVworld) - Vietnam Fatherland Front President Nguyen Thien Nhan chaired a meeting with political social organizations chiefs on communications on Wednesday
Dai Bai Bronze Casting Village

Dai Bai Bronze Casting Village

(VOVworld) - Dai Bai village, also known as Van Lang, is located on high ground near the bank of the Bai Giang River in Bac Ninh province. It’s famous for...
Boosting Hanoi’s tourism development

Boosting Hanoi’s tourism development

(VOVworld) – Hanoi hopes to welcome 23 million tourists including 4.3 million foreigners this year. The city has implemented a number of measures to achieve this target
Scotland – the home of Golf

Scotland – the home of Golf

(VOVworld) – When it comes to golf, some people may think it is only a sport for rich people with luxury and expensive services. But in Scotland, everybody can easily...
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

A: In Hanoi thousands of students and other volunteers attended the launch ceremony. This was the 9th Earth Hour event held in Vietnam. Last year’s campaign saved 450,000kwh, 3...
ASEM conference on education opens in Hue

ASEM conference on education opens in Hue

(VOVworld) - The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Conference on Innovative Education and Human Resources Building for Sustainable Development opened in Hue city in the central province of Thua Thien-Hue on...
Love and marriage in Vietnam’s history and customs

Love and marriage in Vietnam’s history and customs

(VOVworld) - Over years, the Vietnamese concepts of love and marriage have evolved. Nowadays, single mothers, cohabitation, same-sex marriage, and sex before marriage are becoming more accepted. Males and females are...