Global tourism sector under terror threats

Global tourism sector under terror threats

(VOVworld)- A series of terror attacks in recent days has caused numerous deaths and devastated the tourism sector globally. Tourism sector revenues have fallen sharply in many countries, especially those...
One French church attacker identified

One French church attacker identified

(VOVworld) – On Tuesday, French anti-terrorism prosecutor Francois Molins said 19-year-old Adel Kermiche was one of two jihadists who attacked a church near the city of Rouen, Normandy
President Erdogan: Coup attempts may not end

President Erdogan: Coup attempts may not end

(VOVworld) – The Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan said during an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera on Wednesday night that people behind last week's bloody coup attempt may still have plans for...
Consequences from Turkey’s failed coup

Consequences from Turkey’s failed coup

(VOVworld) – An attempted coup conducted by a minority group in Turkey’s army on July 15 has been defeated. Although President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he has taken control of the...
Military coup in Turkey being crushed

Military coup in Turkey being crushed

(VOVworld) – The commander-in-chief of the Turkish task force has announced on broadcaster NTV that the force has controlled the situation and the military coup was crushed
13 suspects charged in Istanbul bombings

13 suspects charged in Istanbul bombings

(VOVworld) - Thirteen suspects, including 10 Turks, were charged with the Istanbul airport suicide bombings last Wednesday, which left 45 people dead and 147 injured
Tunisia raises alert amid IS threats of attack

Tunisia raises alert amid IS threats of attack

(VOVworld) – Tunisia’s government raised its terror alert to the highest level and tightened security in its capital Tunis after the daily news Assabah reported on Wednesday that the Islamic...