NA debates State Audit Law revisions

NA debates State Audit Law revisions

(VOVWORLD) - Auditor General of the State Audit Office of Vietnam Ho Duc Phoc delivered a report on revisions to the Law on State Audit at the ongoing NA meeting on...
US Institute helps build Vietnam-US literary bridge

US Institute helps build Vietnam-US literary bridge

(VOVWORLD) - The William Joiner Institute of the University of Massachusetts has done a lot to promote Vietnamese literature to the world. The Institute specializes in the study of war and its consequences. Since...
Project promotes traditional art genre

Project promotes traditional art genre

(VOVWORLD) - In the digital age, cai luong (reformed theatre) and many other traditional art forms have not received their due attention from the public, especially young people. The YUME Art Project in Ho...
Spring is when we’re with our mothers!

Spring is when we’re with our mothers!

(VOVWORLD) - When was the last time you hung out with your mother? Do you and your mother often take photos together? If my questions sound like a wake up call...
Radio – promoter of dialogue, tolerance and peace

Radio – promoter of dialogue, tolerance and peace

(VOVWORLD) - The 8th World Radio Day will be observed on February 13 under the theme “Dialogue, Tolerance and Peace”. As a public medium, radio has changed people’s awareness, strengthened community...
Wednesday January 2, 2019

Wednesday January 2, 2019

(VOVWORLD) - Happy New Year! Welcome to the first Letter Box of 2019. Thank you all for your New Year’s wishes for VOV’s staff. Prithwiraj Purkayastha of India said: “Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous...
Mexican Tacos

Mexican Tacos

(VOVWORLD) - Mexican tacos are addicting and making them at home is a lot easier than you might think. Before you go running off to the store to buy some tacos, stop and take a look in your kitchen...