Ukraine: OSCE SMM observers shot at

Ukraine: OSCE SMM observers shot at

(VOVworld) - A vehicle of the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) was damaged by small-arms fire on Saturday in eastern Ukraine...
China, UK issue statement on Syria

China, UK issue statement on Syria

(VOVworld) - China and Britain issued a statement on Syria issue in Beijing Tuesday, agreeing to advance counter-terrorism and a political settlement in parallel
Syria’s future following a peace plan

Syria’s future following a peace plan

(VOVworld) – The UN has approved a resolution outlining a ceasefire and peace process in Syria. It was tough to reach a comprehensive agreement to end the 5-year conflict that...
Prisoner exchange completed in Yemen

Prisoner exchange completed in Yemen

(VOVworld) – Yemen’s pro-government forces and Houthi rebels completed an exchange of hundreds of prisoners on Thursday, amid a fragile ceasefire and as UN-sponsored peace talks in Switzerland...
The UN calls for 166 million USD fund for Libya

The UN calls for 166 million USD fund for Libya

(VOVworld) - The United Nations called on the international community Wednesday to provide 165.6 million USD in aid to Libya, where nearly half of the population has been affected by violence. Ali al-Zaatari...
Myanmar parliament approves ceasefire accord

Myanmar parliament approves ceasefire accord

(VOVworld) – On Tuesday, Myanmar's Union Parliament on Tuesday approved the Nationwide Ceasefire Accord (NCA) signed on October 15 between the government and eight armed ethnic groups
Myanmar accelerates drafting dialogue framework

Myanmar accelerates drafting dialogue framework

(VOVworld) - Myanmar's tripartite Union Peace Dialogue Joint Committee (UPDJC) has convened at the Myanmar Peace Centre for the first time to prepare for drafting a dialogue framework under the...
World united against terrorism

World united against terrorism

(VOVworld)- The G20 summit opened in the Turkish city of Antalya on Sunday. After the “brutal and cowardly” attacks in Paris, the summit is expected to end with stronger commitments...
Myanmar seeks stability for development

Myanmar seeks stability for development

(VOVworld) - Myanmar has organized what is being called its most democratic and free general election in 25 years. Although the official results have not yet been announced, whoever is...