Accomplishments of the 13th National Assembly

Accomplishments of the 13th National Assembly

(VOVworld) – The 13th National Assembly has approved more than 100 laws to create a firm legal foundation for the building of a state governed by law, human rights protection, and...
Bolivia postpones announcing referendum result

Bolivia postpones announcing referendum result

(VOVworld) – On Sunday, Bolivia’s National Electoral Council said that they had postponed announcing the result of the referendum on constitutional reform to allow President Evo Morales to run for...
France reshuffles cabinet

France reshuffles cabinet

(VOVworld) – On Thursday French President Francois Hollande recalled his former Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault to head the foreign ministry
Egypt elects new Parliament Speaker

Egypt elects new Parliament Speaker

(VOVworld) - Egypt’s parliament met on Sunday for the first time in more than three years and elected a constitutional expert as its speaker
Vietnam National Assembly fine-tunes legal system

Vietnam National Assembly fine-tunes legal system

(VOVworld)- Over the past 70 years, the Vietnamese National Assembly’s legislation has created a firm legal foundation for the building of a law-governed Vietnamese state of the people, by the...
Iran not decide on next negotiations about Syria

Iran not decide on next negotiations about Syria

(VOVworld) - Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister, Hosssein Abdollahian, said Tehran has not decided on whether to participate in next rounds of international negotiations about Syrian issue, scheduled to take place this weekend in...
Contest on 2013 Constitution in the army completes

Contest on 2013 Constitution in the army completes

(VOVworld) - The Defense Ministry granted awards to winners of a contest to improve the understanding of the 2013 Constitution on Monday. Dozens of collective and individual winners received prizes out...
Ukraine’s Radical Party leaves ruling coalition

Ukraine’s Radical Party leaves ruling coalition

(VOVworld) - The parliamentary majority in the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada or parliament will be made up of four factions, Stepan Kubiv, the presidential representative at the national legislature, said on Tuesday