Ngoc Gam, youth talent of amateur singing

Ngoc Gam, youth talent of amateur singing

(VOVworld) – At the age of 14, Do Thi Ngoc Gam of My Tu district, Soc Trang province, won second prize at the youth amateur singing contest sponsored by the Bac Lieu...
For the people’ s legitimate rights

For the people’ s legitimate rights

(VOVworld) – The Vietnamese government has announced the cause of the unusual mass fish deaths which occurred in the 4 central coastal provinces in April. A statement was delivered at a...
House of the Nung

House of the Nung

(VOVworld) – House of each ethnic group in Vietnam have their own distinctive features embracing their cultural identity. To Tuan introduces houses of the Nung
Drainage project in Ho Chi Minh City launched

Drainage project in Ho Chi Minh City launched

(VOVworld) – A project on settling flood-tide affected by climate change was launched in Lotus port, district7, Ho Chi Minh City, on Sunday, by the municipal People’s Committee and...