Ngoc Gam, youth talent of amateur singing

Ngoc Gam, youth talent of amateur singing

(VOVworld) – At the age of 14, Do Thi Ngoc Gam of My Tu district, Soc Trang province, won second prize at the youth amateur singing contest sponsored by the Bac Lieu...
Boosting Vietnam-Cuba trade cooperation

Boosting Vietnam-Cuba trade cooperation

(VOVworld) – The Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Cuban Embassy in Vietnam held a meeting of business people from the two countries on Wednesday in Hanoi
Traditional Do Paper – Stories Behind The Folds

Traditional Do Paper – Stories Behind The Folds

(VOVworld) -“Do” paper is made from the bark of the Do tree, which can be found in Vietnam’s northern region. Having first appeared in the 13th century, this type of paper has been used widely...
Party official meets Vietnamese representatives abroad

Party official meets Vietnamese representatives abroad

(VOVworld) – A meeting between the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Communications and Education, the Steering Committee for External Information Service, and Heads of representative Vietnamese agencies abroad for the...