Mass migration from Libya to Europe

Mass migration from Libya to Europe

(VOVworld) - Thousands of migrants are "racing against the clock" to make the perilous crossing from Libya to Europe, while the Libyan authorities fail to stem the flow due to limited...
Iraqi, Libyan forces free key areas from IS

Iraqi, Libyan forces free key areas from IS

(VOVworld) – On Tuesday, Iraqi forces, backed by the US-led air strikes, launched an attack on the villages near Quayyara town and freed al-Huwish, al-Jaw’ana, Jubla, and al...
Tunisia raises alert amid IS threats of attack

Tunisia raises alert amid IS threats of attack

(VOVworld) – Tunisia’s government raised its terror alert to the highest level and tightened security in its capital Tunis after the daily news Assabah reported on Wednesday that the Islamic...
Libya’s anti-IS forces advance in Sirte

Libya’s anti-IS forces advance in Sirte

(VOVworld) – Forces aligned with Libya’s unity government said they had made significant gains in residential districts of Sirte on Tuesday as they battled to oust Islamic State from its coastal...
IS attacks Lybian government forces

IS attacks Lybian government forces

(VOVworld) – Rida Issa, a spokesman for the Lybian unity government’s forces, said that the Islamic State carried out three suicide car bombings in Sirte on Sunday targeting forces...
Obstacles to resolving migrant crisis

Obstacles to resolving migrant crisis

(VOVworld)- The UN Human Rights Council announced on Wednesday that at least 700 migrants died and many more went missing in the Mediterranean over the past few days. Meanwhile, the...