National Assembly begins the 3rd week of meeting

National Assembly begins the 3rd week of meeting

(VOVworld) - The 13th National Assembly continues its 11th session on Monday and major agenda are the vote of National Assembly deputy chairpersons and members of the National Assembly Standing Committee
NA relieves some deputies from their positions

NA relieves some deputies from their positions

(VOVworld) – The National Assembly Saturday finalized electoral procedures of the President and listened to a report by NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan on the relief of the NA Vice Chairmen,...
National Assembly discusses socio-economic development

National Assembly discusses socio-economic development

(VOVworld) – On Friday National Assembly deputies discussed socio-economic development in 2015 and over the last 5 years and development and land use plans until 2020. Most deputies agreed with the government’s...
Public Security Minister nominated for President

Public Security Minister nominated for President

(VOVworld) – On Thursday, National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan presented the National Assembly’s Standing Committee’s nomination of Public Security Minister Tran Dai Quang for the post of President...
NA deputies’ expectations of new Chairwoman

NA deputies’ expectations of new Chairwoman

(VOVworld) – Many NA deputies consider the election of Madam Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan as NA Chairwoman a turning point for the legislature. They expressed their hope that in her new...
National Assembly to discuss key personnel

National Assembly to discuss key personnel

(VOVworld) – The National Assembly Standing Committee will report on the resignation of the National Assembly Chairman and Chairman of the National Electoral Council at the ongoing National Assembly session on...
National Assembly seeks to improve performance

National Assembly seeks to improve performance

(VOVworld) – The 13th National Assembly reviewed its performance over the last 5 years on Monday. In addition to legislation, oversight, and deciding key national issues, the National Assembly looked for ways to improve its performance in the...
Draft working report for 13th NA tenure discussed

Draft working report for 13th NA tenure discussed

(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies discussed a draft working report for its 13th tenure in Hanoi on Monday, where they praised the sense of responsibility in performing their duties of law-making and...
13th National Assembly reformed

13th National Assembly reformed

(VOVworld)- The last session of the 13th National Assembly is taking place in Hanoi. Activities of the 13th NA, which is considered one of dynamism and reform, have contributed to...
Preparations for elections nationwide inspected

Preparations for elections nationwide inspected

(VOVworld) – A delegation led by Vice President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Nguyen Van Pha inspected Vinh Phuc province’s preparations for the election of deputies to...