Myanmar's historic election starts

Myanmar's historic election starts

(VOvworld) – Voting is underway in Myanmar's parliamentary elections as around 30 million voters will pick among 6,065 candidates in country's first openly-contested polls in 25 years
 US accelerates approval of the TPP

US accelerates approval of the TPP

(VOVworld) – On Thursday, US President Barack Obama said the Trans-Paficic Partnership agreement will stimulate US economic growth while assuring the benefits of workers and protecting the environment
NATO launches massive airborne drills

NATO launches massive airborne drills

(VOVworld) – The US said Tuesday it has launched the biggest allied airborne drills in Europe since the Cold War ended amid escalated tensions between the West and Russia over the...
Vietbuil 2015 to open in Hanoi

Vietbuil 2015 to open in Hanoi

(VOVworld)- Around 450 firms including domestic, joint-ventures and foreign ones, are expected to join the upcoming Vietnam's international construction exhibition named Vietbuild Hanoi 2015
Russia not to change its foreign policy

Russia not to change its foreign policy

(VOVworld) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday that pressure from outside will not force Russia to change its foreign policy which it considers to be correct