Wednesday July 23, 2014

Wednesday July 23, 2014

(VOVworld) - As a coastal country, Vietnam has frequently been affected by storms and floods. But in recent years, storms have increased in intensity and frequency due to global climate change....
Wednesday May 22, 2013

Wednesday May 22, 2013

In a letter to VOV dated April 15, Patrick wrote: “I enjoy listening to the Voice of Vietnam programs. I’ve been a regular listener since the 1970s. Thank you for keeping me informed...
The US in 2012 - a hope for change

The US in 2012 - a hope for change

(VOVworld) – For the American people, whether Barack Obama or Mitt Romney won the Presidential election, their aspiration is a brighter future for the US. They hope, in the next 4 years,...
US Presidential Election: Last-minute efforts

US Presidential Election: Last-minute efforts

(VOV) – The 45th US Presidential election is less than 12 hours away. US presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have spent the last few days campaigning in crucial swing...
US Presidential Election, Chance for Obama

US Presidential Election, Chance for Obama

(VOVworld) - US incumbent president Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are on a final dash to win undecided votes. Recent polls show Obama with a slight edge over Romney...
22nd August 2012

22nd August 2012

This week, we’d like to begin with a frequent listener to the English program, Fumito Hokamura of Japan. In every letter, Fumito poses many questions about Vietnam that he...
August 15, 2012

August 15, 2012

A: Another week has gone by and we’re happy once again to be with you on our Wednesday Letter Box to answer all the emails and letters received this...
American freedom or American curse?

American freedom or American curse?

(VOVworld)- In the wake of recent gun attacks which killed or injured dozens of people in the US, the New York Police Department on Wednesday asked Twitter to identify one of...
Letter Box 01st August 2012

Letter Box 01st August 2012

This week, we‘d like to begin with Fumito Hokamura of Japan, who has frequently sent us letters showing his devotion to our programs. Also he has asked a lot of...
US Presidential Election: a close race

US Presidential Election: a close race

(VOVworld) – The US Presidential Election which will take place four months from now is shaping up as a very close race between incumbent Democratic President Barack Obama and his Republican rival, former Massachusetts...
May 30, 2012

May 30, 2012

Our regular listener Gerry Neuman of Hampshire, England, emailed us Sunday with detailed reports of our May 19th, 20th, 22nd, 24th, and 27th broadcasts. He said: “Dear friends, this will be my last report...
May 23, 2012

May 23, 2012

From Sweden, Christer Brunstrom, who said he spent much more time listening to us in May after traveling quite a lot in April, reported tuning in to our May 19 broadcast...
January 17, 2012

January 17, 2012

Hello, I’m Kim Chi. Welcome to the Letter Box on VOV Radio, where we acknowledge listeners’ letters received during the week. Hi, everyone. I’m Nhat Quynh