Party leader meets Chinese Premier

Party leader meets Chinese Premier

(VOVworld) – Vietnam and China have agreed to increase the connectivity of their development strategies within the initiatives “two corridors, one belt” and “one belt, one road”
29th Diplomatic Conference convenes in Hanoi

29th Diplomatic Conference convenes in Hanoi

(VOVworld)- On Monday, the 29th Diplomatic Conference opened in Hanoi to discuss ways to increase the efficiency of diplomatic activities and international integration to realize the 12th National Party Congress...
Party leader receives visiting Lao PM

Party leader receives visiting Lao PM

(VOVworld) – Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong and the visiting Lao Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith have expressed their pleasure at the good development of the relationship between Vietnam and Laos
Artists contribute to social, cultural development

Artists contribute to social, cultural development

(VOVworld)- The Vietnam Union of Arts and Literature Associations convened its ninth national congress in Hanoi on January 8th and 9th. 475 delegates represented 40,000 writers and artists nationwide....
Party leader receives New Zealand PM John Key

Party leader receives New Zealand PM John Key

(VOVworld)- On Monday, Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong received in Hanoi visiting New Zealand Prime Minister John Key. New Zealand’s Prime Minister briefed the Vietnamese Party leader on the...