Indian Yoga - the magic art

Indian Yoga - the magic art

(VOVworld) - India was set to lead the world in celebrating the first International Day of Yoga on June 21, 2015. How can this exercise attract great attention from a huge number of participants all...
Land genie worship ritual of the Nung

Land genie worship ritual of the Nung

(VOVworld) – Worshiping the land genie is one of the major rituals of the Nung. When they settle in a new place to form a hamlet, the first thing they do is to...
Remembering Saigon in 1967

Remembering Saigon in 1967

(VOVwworld) - Here’s a look back at Saigon (now, Ho Chi Minh city) in 1967 through photos taken by Nguyen Thanh Tai, a Vietnamese reporter working for United Press International (UPI...
Vietnam hosts workshop on the rights of fishermen

Vietnam hosts workshop on the rights of fishermen

(VOVworld) – Head of the Vietnamese delegation to the United Nations in Geneva, Ambassador Nguyen Trung Thanh, has called on the world community to actively build a feasible international mechanism to...
Maritime cooperation opportunities

Maritime cooperation opportunities

(VOVworld) – The ocean covers two thirds of the earth and countries have benefited a lot from the ocean. It’s necessary for countries to cooperate in using and exploiting marine resources....
Rain blessing ceremony of the Ha Nhi

Rain blessing ceremony of the Ha Nhi

(VOVworld) – The rain blessing ceremony is one of 7 annual festivals of the Ha Nhi. It takes place at the end of the summer when rice and maize are maturing. Rituals at the rainy season festival...
Festival of Lights in Lyon – the magic colors

Festival of Lights in Lyon – the magic colors

(VOVworld) - When it comes to festivals, people often think of lively music, games, or parties. But the Festival of Lights in Lyon, France, happens in a silent and peaceful atmosphere. It’s where you...
Crop blessing rite of the Ha Nhi

Crop blessing rite of the Ha Nhi

(VOVworld) – The Ha Nhi have many important ceremonies each year including the Lunar New Year festival, forest worship, and crop blessing rite. To Tuan describes the Ha Nhi’s crop...