HCM city residents visit pagodas during Tet

HCM city residents visit pagodas during Tet

(VOVworld) – Pagodas in HCM city are packed with visitors during the first days of Tet who come to pray for a new year of peace and happiness. Nguyen Thi Nam and her children...
A warm Tet holiday in Truong Sa

A warm Tet holiday in Truong Sa

(VOVworld) – Spring has come to every corner in Vietnam. Tet atmosphere has covered all the islands on Truong Sa archipelago. In Truong Sa town which is considered the capital of Truong...
 Doi pagoda of the Khmer

Doi pagoda of the Khmer

(VOVworld) – There are about 600 Khmer Theravada pagodas in the Mekong Delta. Doi, which means Bat in English, is one of the most beautiful pagodas with typical Khmer architecture. Doi...
Flat “Cốm’ of the Khmer

Flat “Cốm’ of the Khmer

(VOVworld) – “Com dep”, flat glutinous green rice is a specialty of the Khmer in Soc Trang and people in the Mekong River Delta. “Com dep” is a popular dish and...
Ngo junk race of the Khmer in Soc Trang

Ngo junk race of the Khmer in Soc Trang

(VOVworld) – The Khmer in southern Vietnam race Ngo junks as part of the Ooc Om Bok festival to worship the Moon on the 10th lunar month. It’s a typical...
Tug-of-war becomes world heritage

Tug-of-war becomes world heritage

(VOVworld) - Vietnam’s folk game tug-of-war and its ritual was recognized as a multinational project for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO at the 10th session of...
Heritage Photo winners chosen

Heritage Photo winners chosen

(VOVworld) - A photo collection featuring a festival in Vinh Phuc province by veteran photographer Pham Anh received the Special Award for Photo Collection – the highest prize of the Heritage Photo...
EU reinforces security by PNR

EU reinforces security by PNR

(VOVworld) - An agreement on Passenger Name Record (PNR) was submitted to the EU Parliament’s Civil Liberties Committee on Wednesday prior to being voted on the EU Parliament’s 1st meeting next year...
Wednesday, December 1, 2015

Wednesday, December 1, 2015

The traditional Vietnamese wedding is one of the most important ceremonies in Vietnamese culture with influences from Confucian and Buddhist ideologies. It is a significant day not only for the couple involved...