Fighting flares in eastern Ukraine

Fighting flares in eastern Ukraine

(VOVworld) – Fierce clashes between government forces and rebels erupted on Monday near a railway station at the centre of Donetsk, the stronghold of the pro-federalization protesters in eastern Ukraine...
1 million workers in UK to strike

1 million workers in UK to strike

(VOVworld) – 1 million workers in the public sector in the UK will take part in a nationwide strike to protest to pay freeze and austerity rules after Prime Minister David...
The wood stove in the life of the Dao Khau

The wood stove in the life of the Dao Khau

(VOVworld) – The Dao Khau live mainly in the Sin Ho district of Lai Chau province. Like other ethnic minority groups in Sin Ho, the Dao Khau consider the wood stove an important...
   Iraq receives first Russian jet fighters

Iraq receives first Russian jet fighters

(VOVworld) – Iraq has received the first batch of jet fighters it ordered from Russia to help it fight against Sunni rebels, the Iraqi Defense Ministry on Sunday said
Iraq: fierce clashes in Tikrit

Iraq: fierce clashes in Tikrit

(VOVworld)-The Iraqi army says it has launched a major offensive to retake Tikrit from Sunni rebels, amid conflicting claims over who controls the city's university
Eastern Ukraine: More OSCE observers released

Eastern Ukraine: More OSCE observers released

(VOVworld) - Rebels in eastern Ukraine released the four remaining European monitors on Saturday. In all, two observer teams of the Organization for the Security and Co-operation in Europe were...
France, Italy oppose EU strict financial policy

France, Italy oppose EU strict financial policy

(VOVworld) – French President Francois Hollande and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi on Tuesday voiced their protests against the EU’s strict budgetary policy, adding that it was impeding the...
“Maturity” ritual for boys of the Dao Khau

“Maturity” ritual for boys of the Dao Khau

(VOVworld) – “Cấp sắc” or “Quá tăng” meaning “maturity ritual”, is a typical cultural feature of the Dao people. They believe a man that has not passed a “cap sac” ritual can...
Russia to complain to WTO regarding US sanctions

Russia to complain to WTO regarding US sanctions

(VOVworld) - Moscow intends to present a complaint to the World Trade Organization (WTO) claiming ‘politically motivated’ US sanctions that target local companies are hurting Russian external trade and violate WTO rules...
Tug of war- a multinational cultural heritage

Tug of war- a multinational cultural heritage

(VOVworld)- Vietnam has completed a dossier on “Rituals and Tug of War folk games” to seek UNESCO recognition as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity by 2015. Vietnam has joined the Republic...
Vietnam restructures tra fish production

Vietnam restructures tra fish production

(VOVworld) – Vietnam is one of the world’s leading ‘tra’ fish exporters. But recent global changes together with domestic economic difficulties have destabilized the sector unstable. Vietnam has set out...