Thai army to guarantee security during election

Thai army to guarantee security during election

(VOVworld) – Thailand’s Election Commission has been unable to recruit the 140,000 officials needed to supervise the election in 15 southern provinces which will take place in 3 weeks’...
People’s power

People’s power

(VOVworld)- The Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, revised in 2013, officially came into force on January 1st, 2014. Promoting the people’s power dominates the Constitution and is the fundamental content of all...
Vietnam is resolved to fight corruption

Vietnam is resolved to fight corruption

(VOVworld) – President Truong Tan Sang met with voters in Ho Chi Minh city on Tuesday to brief them on the results of the just concluded National Assembly meeting
National Assembly discusses revised Land Law

National Assembly discusses revised Land Law

(VOVworld) – Law makers on Friday debated whether people’s involvement in land use and management should be enhanced. These were their final discussions on the revised Land Law before it is...
OPCW to begin their mission in Syria

OPCW to begin their mission in Syria

(VOVworld) - Experts from the Netherlands-based Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) will start their mission in Syria next Monday, Oct 7th