Conflicts continue in Yemen despite truce

Conflicts continue in Yemen despite truce

(VOVworld) – The Arabian military coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the Houthi force backed by Iran have accused each other of violating the 72-hour ceasefire in Yemen
VOV’s leaders pay tribute to the Thai King

VOV’s leaders pay tribute to the Thai King

(VOVworld) – A Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) delegation led by Vice President, Vu Hai, paid tribute to Thailand’s late King Bhumibol Adulyadej at the Thai Embassy in Hanoi...
Congo train attack kills 14 people

Congo train attack kills 14 people

(VOVworld) – At least 14 people including one child and two soldiers were killed in an attack on a train blamed on former rebel fighters south of the Congo capital Brazzaville
Charity tourism shares humanity values

Charity tourism shares humanity values

(VOVworld) – Charity tourism has become more popular for its social and humanity significance. Tourists join a journey to refresh themselves after work and find the true values of life. Dieu...
Germany to extend border controls with Austria

Germany to extend border controls with Austria

(VOVworld) – The current German- Austrian border control will no longer be valid in mid- November, but Germany's Interior Minister Thomas De Maiziere said the border control mechanism between the...
50 dead in clashes in Kinshasa

50 dead in clashes in Kinshasa

(VOVworld) - More than 50 people were killed on Monday in clashes between protesters and security forces in the Congolese capital Kinshasa, opposition groups said, calling for further anti-government demonstrations
Israel to build wall around Gaza Strip

Israel to build wall around Gaza Strip

(VOVworld) - Israel plans to build a massive concrete wall along its border with the blockaded Gaza Strip. The Israeli Defense Ministry recently accepted bids from 20 Israeli construction firms for the...
France’s fight against terrorism

France’s fight against terrorism

(VOVworld) – Less than a year after the November 2015 terror attacks that killed 130 people, the world has been shocked by another attack – this time an intentional vehicle attack...
Russia protests EU’s extension of sanctions

Russia protests EU’s extension of sanctions

(VOVworld) – On Friday, Russia strongly criticized the EU’s decision to extend economic sanctions against Russia for six months due to its role in Ukraine crisis and said that this...
Tunisia raises alert amid IS threats of attack

Tunisia raises alert amid IS threats of attack

(VOVworld) – Tunisia’s government raised its terror alert to the highest level and tightened security in its capital Tunis after the daily news Assabah reported on Wednesday that the Islamic...