Activities to mark 70th anniversary of August Revolution

(VOVworld) – Major newspapers covered the significance of the August Revolution on Wednesday to mark its 70th anniversary on August 19th.

Activities to mark 70th anniversary of August Revolution - ảnh 1
Groups of soldiers marched to Hanoi and gathered in front of the Opera House on August 30, 1945. (Source: VNA)

The front page of the People’s daily newspaper quoted President Ho Chi Minh’s comment as saying that: “The August Revolution smashed colonialism after  nearly one hundred years, and established the Democratic Republic of Vietnam”. The newspaper said the August Revolution is always a great motivation and a source of spiritual encouragement for Vietnamese people to move forward.

The People’s Army newspaper ran an editorial and an article on bringing into full play the August Revolution’s spirit in the renewal process. The stories analyzed reasons and lessons learnt from the victory of the August Revolution saying that it is necessary to revive the spirit of the August Revolution in the context of national renewal process. Meanwhile, the Sai Gon Liberated newspaper said the victory of the August Revolution is evidence of the role and power of the people and national unity.

Hanoi’s Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism held various activities to honor revolutionary traditions as well as achievements of Vietnam’s renewal process and of the capital city over the past 70 years. Quang Binh province organized an exhibition on documents, newspapers and magazines on the general uprising in August 1945, the foundation of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the leadership of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh in national liberation, construction and defence. 

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