Chung cakes offered to General Vo Nguyen Giap

(VOVworld) – Family of General Vo Nguyen Giap and border guards have offered square sticky rice (Chung) cakes on General Vo Nguyen Giaps's tomb in Vung Chua – Dao Yen or Swallow Island prior to the lunar new year festival.

Chung cakes offered to General Vo Nguyen Giap - ảnh 1
General Giap's relatives make Chung cakes. (Photo:

The General’s descendents offered a branch of peach blossoms taken from Mau Son mountain in the northern region, his favorite flower for Tet.

Chung cakes offered to General Vo Nguyen Giap - ảnh 2
A border guard prepares a branch of Mau Son peach blossoms. (Photo:

Senior Lieutenant Khac Ngoc Tan Hoa, chief guard at General Giap’s tomb said: “When he was alive, General Giap used to make Chung cakes with soldiers. So we, border guards, and his family brought here Chung cakes and other offerings to pay tribute to him. This is such an honor for us.”      

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