Conference on policies, resources for cultural development opens

(VOVWORLD) - The 2022 cultural conference themed "Institutions, policies, and resources for cultural development" opened in Bac Ninh province on Saturday by the National Assembly's Committee for Culture and Education, the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and Bac Ninh province.
Conference on policies, resources for cultural development opens - ảnh 1National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and delegates visits an exhibition "Bac Ninh Cultural Identity". (photo: VNA)

The delegates discussed the Party's guidelines and orientations to fine-tune institutions and policies, and mobilize resources for building a Vietnamese culture of "nationality, democracy, and humanity, and science”. They also proposed solutions to preserve and promote cultural values of ethnic minorities and reviewed the implementation of the Cultural Diplomacy Strategy.

Nguyen Xuan Thang, Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council, said: “Institutional improvement should pay special attention to cultural leadership, management, and development. The State perfects the legal framework, creates a development environment, uses tools and policies to regulate the development of cultural fields, ensures the right to create and enjoy culture of all people. Cultural development always starts from the people, who are the center, the beneficiaries, the organizers of cultural activities, the providers of services, and the implementers of the State's policies and laws.”

Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Communications and Education Nguyen Trong Nghia said: “It is necessary to shape cultural management methods, harmonize social and economic efficiency, and ensure the ultimate goal of serving the interests of the community and people. Cultural economic policies should be improved to develop a healthy cultural market and a cultural industry. It’s important to produce many high-quality cultural products with high artistic value and great influence to contribute to national construction and innovation, and spread the good values of the Party and the Vietnamese nation and people.”

The same day, the delegates listened to reports on building and fine-tuning institutions and policies and mobilizing resources for cultural development. They discussed international experience in cultural policies and measurement in sustainable development and connecting and allocating resources for cultural development. National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue delivered a speech at the closing session. 
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